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Starry Sky

You are Nuka Cola and whiskey

the hand and the glove

You are the rolling fog

blanketing the night

and the tick tick tick

of the Geiger Counter

vault dwellers often wear.

You are the cry of the trader

selling goods

and the ferals stirred into action

by blood in the air --

But you are not

the soothing rain on the crops.

T.J. Oliver, Immersive Stories Mod

*Opening lines of a holotape recording voice acted by Caroline Cabal Coniglio. Three holotapes in all. Collectables offered through the Immersive Stories Mod for Fallout 4.

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Margaret Oliver




Shop Cat #1

Shop cat Eleanor


Shop Cat #2

Bill and Bud the shop rats

Billy & Bud

Shop Rats

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